
This originated with me sending regular emails to my close friends and family on environmental issues and changes which could ‘green’ their lifestyle. The group has unintentionally grown quickly as friends of friends ask to join. The EcoEmails don’t always give people an easy solution to a problem but try to make them aware that every decision they make has environmental and sustainability consequences. If you would like to join pls email me at

Dirty Oil June 2, 2010

Filed under: climate change,Energy,Events,Peak Oil,Protest — ecoemails @ 9:08 am

There is a new documentary coming out called Dirty Oil which goes deep behind-the-scenes into the strip-mined world of Northern Alberta, Canada.

It is a David and Goliath battle between the First Nation communities and environmentalists fighting against the Governments of Alberta and Canada, as well as the world’s largest multinational oil corporations in a bid to stop tar sands expansion.

Here, vast and toxic oil sands supply the U.S. with the majority of its oil. Told through the eyes of scientists, “big oil” officials, politicians, doctors, environmentalists, and aboriginal citizens directly effected by “the largest industrial project on the planet today”, the filmmakers journey to both sides of the border to uncover the emotional and irreversible toll this “black gold rush” is taking on our planet.

Watch the trailer HERE or click HERE for screenings.

Canadian Tar sands emit on average three times more CO2 than conventional oil production.


The Truth about Climate Change (Film screening) July 14, 2009

Filed under: climate change,Energy,TThackney — ecoemails @ 8:49 am

Monday 20th July (7.30 – 9pm) – The Truth about Climate Change (Film screening) at Arcola Theatre .


The Truth about Climate Change: Sir David Attenborough undertakes a personal journey to discover how global warming is changing the planet he knows so well. Examining the evidence for this confusing phenomenon, Sir David find out what’s causing it and whether mankind is to blame. From Hurricane Katrina to the glacier ice crashing into the sea, Attenborough discovers it’s a race against time. Starving polar bears and the first direct victims of global warming, the recent extinct golden toad, demonstrates that the danger for humanity may not be far behind.
David explores the personal and technological changes we can make to avert catastrophe.


Carbon Conversations and Carbon Ration Action Groups talk July 9, 2009

Filed under: climate change,Energy,Peak Oil,TThackney — ecoemails @ 8:53 am

Carbon Conversations and Carbon Ration Action Groups

Arcola Theatre

27 Arcola St, Dalston, Hackney

July 13th (7 to 9pm)

(followed by TThcragackney meeting).

Carbon Conversations is a guide to creating your personal Energy Descent Action Plan, at your own pace and with sensitivity to your own circumstances and lifestyle.

Carbon Ration Action Groups is a committed forum for those who wanted to prove to themselves and to the wider world that there are people who want to  move onto a sustainable emissions strategy.


Skiing in the Desert July 8, 2009

Filed under: climate change,Energy,Peak Oil,Travel — ecoemails @ 5:32 pm

If you go skiing in the Skiing in the Desert….


One day spent on the artificial slopes at Ski Dubai eats up as much oil as the average American driver burns in their gas tank in 1 month. The ski dome in Dubai uses the energy equivalent of 3,500 barrels of oil a day. Around the same number of people visit the complex every day. So the energy use is around 1 barrel per visitor per day. A standard barrel of oil should power the average vehicle for around 1,000 miles of driving.

ski 1


Transition Town Hackney Events June 21, 2009

Filed under: climate change,Clothes,Energy,Events,Food,Peak Oil,TThackney — ecoemails @ 11:02 am

Layout 1


Acidy Ocean June 1, 2009

Filed under: Energy — ecoemails @ 5:23 pm

ost of us understand that what emissions we give off are responsible for changes in the climate.

What is less familiar is the fact that the oceans are absorbing as much as a third of the carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere.

That added carbon dioxide is slowly making the oceans less alkaline and more acidic.

The acid ocean is interfering with calcium carbonate, the structural element in corals and the shells of many marine animals.

As the oceans acidify, shells will simply dissolve. The growth of coral reefs will slow, and their structural integrity would be weakened. That would be a catastrophic loss.

dead coral

New studies show that if carbon dioxide emissions continue at current rates, shells and corals could begin to dissolve — especially in the southern oceans — within 30 years.

Observations from many places, including the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, suggest that ocean acidification is proceeding much faster than anyone had thought.


Transition Town Meeting Hackney March 17, 2009

Filed under: Energy,Food,Protest — ecoemails @ 12:53 pm

The next meeting is:

Thursday 19 March 2009 – 7pm (till around 9pm)

at The Arcola Theatre, Arcola Street, Dalston


Government August 1, 2008

Filed under: Energy — ecoemails @ 12:57 pm
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gordon-brown-blur-webIs the Government really taking CC seriously?

It has spent 220 million pounds in the last 7 years on subsidising the coal industry.

The government has just given a tax break for oil companies in the North Sea –
their stated reason for the tax break was to ensure that all oil that can be extracted will….


USB Batteries July 23, 2008

Filed under: Energy,Shopping,Travel — ecoemails @ 8:45 pm
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USB Cell Batteries – Rechargeable AA
USB Cell Batteries – Rechargeable AAUSB Cell Batteries – Rechargeable AA – Charging at a MonitorUSB Cell Batteries – Rechargeable AA – Charging at a DesktopUSB Cell Batteries – Rechargeable AA – Use in a Camera

Rechargeable Batteries are better for the env’ but a pain to recharge…
These are good coz they charge in a USB socket which are two a penny these days.
A couple of minutes of charge usually lasts a few hours.

They are  £10.99 for two batteries…

You can buy them from:

I got some so Nick can listen to his ipod speakers in the park!


Car Efficiency July 17, 2008

Filed under: Energy,Travel — ecoemails @ 8:37 pm
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To reduce rolling resistance:
Fill tires to their maximum inflation pressure- (the higher the pressure the less surface area in contact with the road and therefore the less resistance)
The negative side to this is to fill the tyres with too much air,and the life of the tyre will be reduced because it will wear out in the middle of the tread so you need a to check the recommended pressure
This will probably increase overall efficiency by about 5-10 percent

To reduce air resistance:
Roof racks on the car, this can effect the resistance a surprising amount so take them off when not in use
A shark fin low profile type aerial is more efficient than a stalk aerial. Taking these off will increase overall efficiency by probably 5%

Slow with gears:
Slow down with gears rather than breaks, because apparently modern IC engines use NO fuel when doing this this saves petrol

The slower you accelerate the less fuel you burn

Double your speed, you quadruple your drag due to air resistance
