
This originated with me sending regular emails to my close friends and family on environmental issues and changes which could ‘green’ their lifestyle. The group has unintentionally grown quickly as friends of friends ask to join. The EcoEmails don’t always give people an easy solution to a problem but try to make them aware that every decision they make has environmental and sustainability consequences. If you would like to join pls email me at

Online Shopping June 6, 2007

Filed under: Shopping — ecoemails @ 12:36 pm
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If you want anything environmentally friendly…. or ethical I think the best place to buy it online is:

I have bought loads of stuff from there and I think they are great.
I just got Meggie a solar paneled night light which charges up during the day and turns on at night…. it is amazing!
Check it out when you are board at work.
So if you want to get anyone any presents have a look on there….
